

  1. 答:调查问卷
    Survey questions
    You've been at this school for a year, you should be getting very familiar with the school, below is a few questions I want to ask you.
    1 学校食堂的饭菜如何,你吃的怎么样?厅缓薯
    How's the food at the school cafeteria? Are you eating well?
    2 一般你每天的零食有哪些?
    What's snakes do you usually have everyday?
    3 你对学校有什么建议?
    What suggestions do you have for the school?
    What's your height, and weight?
    How's your relationship with people?
    6 根据了解,你觉得学校有人和你长的很像吗?
    From what you know, is there anyone who looks like you at school?
    Please answer the above truthfully, thank you!
    本人在国外,保证地道+100%正确,自己翻译的 =]
  2. 答:how do you like the food in the cafe,
    what is you crack food everyday
    is there any suggestions to our school
    how is you height and weight
    how are you doing with your friends
    do you think anyone here looked alike here based on your acquisition
  3. 答:Questionnaire:
    It's been a year at school,to know well with school most propbably ,there are a few questions that I want to ask you.
    1.How about dining hall's food ,what about your food?
    2.Generally ,which snack food do you have everyday ?
    3.Which suggestion do you have for school?
    4.How tall are you , your weight?
    5.What about your interpersonal relationship ?
    6.Based on understanding,do you feel that someone looks like you at school?
  1. 答:Are you  satisfy with your school dormitory environment?
    Are you  satisfy with the school canteen ?
    Are you  satisfy with your school sports facilities
    Are you satisfy with the transportation to the school (on and off campus)?
    Are ou satisfy with   the school teaching hardware facilities, such as teaching building, the study area, use of multimedia, computer room, laboratory, etc.) ?
    What do you think of the school's architectural style and the overall layout?
    What do you think of hardware for schools in terms of overall?
    What do you think of the logistics management ?
    Are you satisfy with your counselors ?
    What do you think of your main teaching management to the school (office) work ?
  1. 答:首先明确这是关于“学生食品安全常识”的反馈,那么就应该明确一些基本的食品安全常识才行,比如:不能购买三无产品,不到无证摊贩处购买盒饭或食物等等常识。其次需要思考如何在日常生活中言传身教得教会学生仔细辨别食品安全,家长得反馈主要从基本常识,如何教育学生理解并严格遵循为主进行叙述,多表达一些自己对食品安全得看法即可。
    有幅对联说得很对:“人品枯敬、食品、品品相照;苍生、民生、生生相联”, 生命只有一次,健康是人生最重要的财富, 没了它就如同行尸走肉,但是仍旧有一些人为了满足自己的食欲,去一些没有卫生许可证的小摊上买东西吃,可是他们在品尝的同时,也许这些“美陵液味”已经严重地威胁到了自己的健康。
